Nine Soaking Manifestations

Nine Soaking Manifestations

Elvis Iverson

            You are in the presence of God, you are seated with Christ, you have been in the presence of God since A.D. 33 When Christ ascended you ascended, when Christ enter into rest you enter into rest, when Christ enter into the most holy place you enter in, when Christ enter into the Throne Room of God you enter in, and when Christ was seated next to the Father you were seated next to the Father. You are soaked in the presence of God, you are overwhelm by the peace of God, you are in the manifestation of glory, you are in revival, you are in the pillar of fire and pillar of cloud. –(Eph. 2:6)

            You are the Temple of God, the Throne Room of God is in you, The Father and Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit is in you, and revival is in you, your heart is soaked in God’s presence. Also the presence of God goes with you based on the Blood of Jesus, His redeem presence will never leave you.

            You can come to Him by the Blood of Jesus, in your prayer time enter into the Throne Room by the Blood of Jesus and soak in the presence of God.

            You can do mobile prayer and mobile soaking at work, at school, at home, at the park, at your church, and you can set days aside  and have soaking sessions. But a simple thought of Him and you are practicing the presence of God.

            Since A.D. 33 you have been in the presence of God, you have been in rest of His presence, you have been soaked in the presence of God, you have been in a open heaven, an a open door, in a season of blessings, in the outpourings of the Holy Spirit, and in revival. Practice the presence of God is a key to revival.

            When soaking in God’s presence there will come waves of His presence and nine manifestations of the presence of God will come in you and upon you one after one and continue to come and become deeper each wave and each increase wave.

Nine Manifestations of the Presence of God: 

  1. The Oil of God Manifestations: this comes to prepare you for coming waves and relax you, and bring favor in your life and breakthroughs and unity.
  2. The Presence of God Manifestations: these feelings of God, and the love of God, and peace of God, revival and brings establishments in your life.
  3. The Fire of God Manifestations: bring deliverance, inner healing, freedom, justice, protection, revival, repentance, order, and pureness.
  4. The Wind of God Manifestations: bring harvest, blessings, wealth, and financials.
  5. The Power of God Manifestations: bring signs and wonders, nine gifs of the Spirit, and bliss gifs of God.    
  6. The Glory of God Manifestations: bring revivals and revival and promotion.
  7. The Light of God Manifestations: bring visions, dreams, revelations, Word Revelation, prophecy,  prophetic Revelation, and salvation, harvest.
  8. The Water of God Manifestations: bring healing, restoration, life, deep prophetic and fruitfulness and revelation, prophecy.
  9. The Wine of God Manifestations: bring holy intoxication, and joy, revelation, revival, and love of God and unity.

Copyright © 2015 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

False Apostolic spirit

False Apostolic spirit

Elvis Iverson

                We are to test those who say they are apostles, first and foremost we need teaching on what is an apostle, and those who we call apostles should have recongnize from the body, affirmation from mature and seasonal apostles and conformation from mature and seasonal prophets before we accept them as apostles. – (Rev. 2:2, 2 Cor. 1:13-15)

            However there are immature apostles, misdirected apostles and there are false apostle.

1.     Apostles who say they are apostles and are not.

2.     A little false in an apostle.

3.     Strife and quarrelsome and contentions.

4.     Religious, too much full of religion or a religious spirit.

5.     No governing skills.

6.     Not just or fair with others.

7.     Not a spirit of gentleness.

8.     Not open to others.

9.     Don’t like true apostles.

10.                        Greed and covertness.

11.                        A demon or demonic presence.

12.                        Hoisted spirit.

13.                        Jezebel or Ahab.

14.                        Controlling spirit.

15.                        Political spirit.

16.                        Two face

17.                        Lack of revelation.

18.                         Lack of gifting.

19.                        Lack of anointing.

20.                        Lack of supernatural power.

Now the false prophetic spirit; and the sad thing that many can’t tell it apart from others why is this? We need teaching on the prophetic and we need mature and seasonal prophets ministering among our churches. There are immature prophets, misdirected prophets and some are false prophets. – (Matt. 24:11)

1.     There are different kinds of false prophets and we need understand this and how to deal with each of them.

2.     Is that person called to be a prophet?

3.      What kind of prophet are they.

4.     Too much in the end times is not good and is a bad sign.

5.     Too much into judgment prophecy is not good and is a bad sign.

6.     Is there an evil spirit or demonic presence.

7.     There are those who think they can’t make a mistake in prophecy.

8.     Immature in the prophetic is not false.

9.     There could be a little false in a person.

10.                        Confusion is a bad sign.

11.                        A spirit of religion.

12.                        Controlling spirit.

Note: there is prophetic warnings and prophetic judgments.

If you been under a false prophet or false apostle this is what you do.

1.     Break fellowship and fine a biblical fellowship.

2.     Forgive them and pray for them.

3.     Pray prayers of renouncing.

4.     Break the soul tie.

5.     Get teaching on apostles and prophets.

6.     Connected to mature or seasonal apostles and prophets.

7.     Cast of demons.

8.     Break and renounce any curses.

9.     Deliverance and inner healing.

10.                        Get good biblical teaching and ministry.

11.                        Receive God is love.    

12.                        Establish in Radical Grace.

13.                        Fellowship in a church of liberty with order but don’t fear order.

14.                        Share your story with others and be balance.

15.                        Learn from the past but leave the past behind you.

16.                        Enter into rest and peace.

17.                        You have hope and a future.

18.                        Be example to others and to apostles and prophets.

Copyright © 2015 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Prophecy of Unfolding of the Many Revivals

Prophecy of Unfolding of the Many Revivals

Elvis Iverson

February 27, 2021

            In a vision I am in the Mandan Park next to the Missouri river in Omaha NE USA. The prophets are there again, and our Lord Jesus Christ, and I take hold of the decoration rod and declare the prophetic fulfillment of the unfolding of the many revivals. I see revival angels fly to north, south, east, and west and all over the earth. I see revivals upon revivals upon revivals and I see many revivals upon many revivals upon many revivals.

            I see a revival of the pillar of fire, pillar of cloud, dark cloud, shekinah glory, weight of glory, soaking presence, intense presence, gifts of the Spirit, bliss gifts, signs and wonders, great signs and wonders, many signs and wonders, extreme signs and wonders, mass healings, mass deliverance, mass miracles, mass creative miracles, Deep Prophetic, Holy Drunkenness/Holy High and great harvests of souls. What is this revival called? I hear a voice say Apostolic grace revival!!!

            I see a vision of the Spirit of Awakening poured out upon the Church around the earth.

Spirit of prayer!

Spirit of Soaking Prayer!

Spirit of repentance!

Spirit of revival!

Spirit of reformation!

Spirit of fasting!

Spirit of evangelism!

Spirit of Harvest!

In a vision I see a great revival comes into the Philippines, it cover the whole nation, most where won to Christ, all religions came to an end, and fire of God was everywhere.

            I see great freedom and great liberty come to all the earth, I hear a voice I am preparing the nations for harvest and revival, I will open all nations to gospel, worship, mass meetings, signs and wonders, and apostles, prophets, and evangelists. I see rivers and waves of wealth, finances, favor flow to the feet of the apostles and prophets. I see a might army of grace givers arise and flow river of grace giving….   I see arise of seven missionary movements that will go around the earth seven times. 

            I see a vision of Russia and I hear these words from Above extreme revival of the gifts of the Spirit will break forth and go all over Asia and Europe.

            I see a revival of soaking prayer, deep prayer, mystic prophetic, deep prophetic, and signs of the apostles in Israel.

            In the Middle East I see many coming to the Lord, I see five nations won to Christ and they will support and build the Church and Israel.

            I see a vision of the Oil of the Holy Spirit poured overflow overwhelming all over India. I see mass souls coming to the Lord, I see great harvests, extreme harvests, and I see major parts of India born again Spirit Filled!!! Signs and wonders and rising the dead all over the India. Many flowing in signs and wonders and this was common.

            In America, Canada, Mexico I see an outpouring of the Fire of the Holy Spirit and Great repentance and extreme revivals. Most of America and all of Canada and 75% percent of Mexico won to the Lord.

            I am in Australia in a vision I see an outpouring of the wind of the Holy Spirit and angelic wind and see nation taking movements and many nations won to Christ, nations around them and Australia becomes a holy soaking supernatural apostolic nation.

Then I am in France and I see outpouring of the waters and rivers of the Spirit and it covers all of Europe. Awakening to Home Church Christianity, apostolic Christianity and revival Christianity.

            I see Apostolic Revival in Africa and I see 50 nations won to Christ!!! These 50 nations become freedom wealth Christ nations.

            Then in a vision I see the wine and wines of the Spirit pour out upon Mexico and Center America and South America. I see Great Deliverance and Extreme Deliverance flow like wine all over these lands.

            I see all these revivals come together as a fullness of glory and revivals all over the whole church and then I see the city of God arise above all nations and all religions. Then I see rivers of revival flow from the gates of the city of God to all nations.

            Then I have a vision of the Third Heaven and I am there and I see brother Remiel and he shares these words; The Church will go through a time of re-evangelism and then the whole church will be brought into the fires of the third reformation.

            Then I see the Seven Mountains of the Society and I see the church of the marketplace arise above them rested on glory, revival, fire, wine, oil, with rivers of angels flowing over them.  Remiel says Marketplace Revivals and kingdom renaissances and social transformations will be ongoing for many years and even decades. Divine secular reformations, social Reformations, counter culture movements, and love revolutions will mark this century.

Copyright © 2021 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Prophecy of the Activate Revival Anointing

Prophecy of the Activate Revival Anointing

Elvis Iverson

March 6, 2021

            In a Vision I am in the Third Heaven Throne Room and I hear under the Throne of God a river like the mighty Mississippi. A river of refreshing, renew, revive, revival, healing, and restoration. I hear the Voice of the Holy Spirit you already have revival, say it you already have revival, confess you have revival!!! 

            Then I see the Temple Of God on earth the Born Again Christian the new creation human… I see the river coming from heart of the believer flowing out to many nations, this is the river of revival. The Holy Spirit says believe, confess and soak in revival. You already have revival, you always had revival, and you already had revival since AD 33. You have revival now!!!

            Then I see a bottomless cup of wine!!! I see this wine comes from the vineyard of the Father. He is giving you this wine right now. The Revival life!

            Then the Holy Spirit says you need the revelation of revival!!! Those who have the revelation of revival will be the first to have revival.

            Then I see The City of God built on the highest point of the Kingdom of God, then our Lord Jesus says this is the church… This is the church in every city and every nation.

            Then I see a river of revival flowing from this city to all neighborhoods, communities, villages, cities, suburbs, regions, states, nations, zones, and globally.

            Then I see first and foremost the church being filled and full and overwhelming, overcome, and overflowing in revival, revivals, signs and wonders.

            I see rivers flowing out of the twelve gates of the City of God, and at each gate are apostles and prophets. The Apostles and Prophets must be establish in the gates of the Church and gates of the Cities and gates of the Nations. Where apostles and prophets are not establish at the gates other apostles are giving oversight over that gate unlit there is an apostle or apostles at that gate, but prophets need to be establish too at the gates, where there are gates without prophets there is no activity of the Holy Spirit, and without first having prophets establish there can’t be apostles establish. An apostle not open to prophets can’t be establish at the gates, prophets not open to apostles can’s be establish at the gates. The Gate Anointing is for Apostles and Prophets to seat together at the Gates. Gates cannot be open or close without apostles and prophets, God has giving the gates to the apostles and prophets only, but worshipers and intercessors are in supportive role to the gate administration. Apostles and Prophets with the following and fellowship of churches can establish gate churches, gate churches are churches of apostles and prophets and are extension and delegated churches.

Pray this prayer with me now:

Father we pray activate the revival anointing in me and the Body of Christ, let the many revivals unfold now, let reformation, revivals, harvest come. Touch me now Lord with fire and wine of revival and reformation in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.  

            Now I see a vision I see the Third Heaven Throne Room, I hear a call from the Throne Room saying come up here. Awake! Relax! Soak! Revival is Now! Harvest is Now!

Copyright © 2021 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved