Prepare to Survive and Overcome

Prepare to Survive and Overcome

Elvis Iverson

We are entering into days of hard times for America; even nations around the world will have hard times. We as believers are to move in wisdom and prepare to survive and overcome these coming days of hard times.

One thing is for sure is that we are not to fear, fear not, fear not the future, fear not anything, to not fear today, don’t even fear what is coming, for God is with you and He will help you and protect you.

The preservation of the Church: The Lord will care, provided, protect, and preserved the Church today and in days to come.

Ground yourself in the Written Word of God; build your spiritual life in Christ even more. Build you life with Christ, build and strengthen the bond of your family and love ones, and fellowship and build a strong bond with a church, and a group of believers.

Learn to save a lot, then even save more, and more. Commit to be faithful in giving. Begin to cut back more so you can save more. Get a good, sound and wise guides on surviving. Begin to learn  how to care for the poor around you, first your love ones, then those in the church, then those who don’t know Christ.

Learn to pray, and learn to pray more, set more times apart to pray, and learn to soak in the presence of the Lord even more. Learn to pray and fast, learn to fast and to enjoy fasting.  

The Bible talks about many tribulations, that we must go through, meaning we will go through them all with grace, God will help us. –(Acts 14:22)

We must have a vision of the future, and that vision is the restoration of all things. The Church is going through restoration, and some day the Church will be an army of restoration to the hurting cities and nations around her. –(Acts 3:19-21)

The Kingdom of God will increase throughout the earth, every believer should have a vision of the Kingdom of God and the increase of the Kingdom of God. The Church and the Earth and you will have a bright future ahead of you. Our Lord Jesus Christ reigns today over the earth, Jesus is Lord, this is the year of the Lord. –(Isa. 9:6-7)

Copyright © 2010 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Seven Things to Pray for your Nation

Seven Things to Pray for your Nation

Elvis Iverson

                This is the time that many nations will be won to Christ; let the burden for the nations burn within your heart. God calls some to pray for this nation, and some to pray for that nation, and some to pray for a nation over there, and some to pray for the nation near you, and there are some called to pray for many nations and all nations. – (Psa. 2:8)

            You have a burden for your nation, that burden came from the Lord, for He has a burden to see your nation change, transform, having revivals and restoration. – (Rev. 21:24)

Seven Things to pray for your nation:

1.     Waves of repentance, waves of salvation, and waves of harvests.

2.     Waves of healing, waves of restoration, and waves of mercy.

3.     Waves of revivals and waves of social transformation.

4.      Waves of prosperity and waves of wealth.

5.     Waves of increase of the Kingdom of God.

6.     Waves of increase of the Church.

7.     Waves of freedom and waves of liberty, and waves of peace.

I believe in restoration of all things, I believe in healing of nations, I believe in restoration of generations, and I believe in the restoration of generational blessings! If you believe in this then commit to pray for these waves of blessings to come to your nation.

Copyright © 2015 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Coming Harvest in America

Coming Harvest in America

Elvis Iverson

April 28, 2007

            There is coming a time to America of massive harvests of souls. The Apostolic Church shall arise in every city in America. Massive reformation will come to the church of America. Revivals will come to all places in America, there will be many revivals poured out upon America. Social transformation will come to many cities in America, and massive social transformation will come to cities across America. The Nation of America will go through a supernatural social transformation.

          I see a vision of huge congregations come forth in many cities, and in many cities there were a pool of huge churches. And I see in one city, these huge churches, form a city church network, and establish a city church center. The next level of city church will come to the city church in many cities in America.

          I see apostles will sign and wonders arise in the cities across America. I see apostolic networks formed over night throughout America. I see the healing of many cities and states in America.

          Now I see huge great mighty army of business and workplace believers all over America, I see anointing on their hands, feet and brains, and blessings rain down from the Third Heaven upon them.

          I see prayer centers establish in certain areas all over America. I see a revival of prayer covering all of America.

          First and foremost I see a great harvest coming to America. I see 100 Million souls coming to know the Lord. I see huge gates open up, I see apostles standing at these gates calling them to come, and I see prophets speaking the word to them, come forth.

          I believe there will be 100 Million won to Christ in the near future. These will be gathered into the Apostolic Church, Apostolic congregations in many cities in America. 

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Seven Things to Pray for your Nation

Seven Things to Pray for your Nation

Elvis Iverson

This is the time that many nations will be won to Christ; let the burden for the nations burn within your heart. God calls some to pray for this nation, and some to pray for that nation, and some to pray for a nation over there, and some to pray for the nation near you, and there are some called to pray for many nations and all nations. – (Psa. 2:8)

You have a burden for your nation, that burden came from the Lord, for He has a burden to see your nation change, transform, having revivals and restoration. – (Rev. 21:24)

Seven Things to pray for your nation:

1.Waves of repentance, waves of salvation, and waves of harvests.

2.Waves of healing, waves of restoration, and waves of mercy.

3.Waves of revivals and waves of social transformation.

4. Waves of prosperity and waves of wealth.

5.Waves of increase of the Kingdom of God.

6.Waves of increase of the Church.

7.Waves of freedom and waves of liberty, and waves of peace.

I believe in restoration of all things, I believe in healing of nations, I believe in restoration of generations, and I believe in the restoration of generational blessings! If you believe in this then commit to pray for these waves of blessings to come to your nation.

Copyright © 2015 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Sins of America

Sins of America

Elvis Iverson

God loves America, God bless America, America is in the heart of God, God’s purpose for America still stands, God has not giving up on America. He will cover her with great mercy and fill her will many revivals. America may be at a crossroads, but that does not change His plans for America. God hears the so many prayers that have been prayed over the years for America. America is to be an example for what God will do to other nations, meaning His goodness.

Today I will try to list the sins of America so that there might be identificational repentance to add to the river of intercessory prayer, that the gates of revival may open wide over America.

The Lord will bring social transformation to many cities and all of America, we will begin to see this within a few years from now, some of it has already begun, and we will see many revivals come to America. Almost all cities in America will be touch with revival. There will be a great harvest of souls that will become a continue river of harvest throughout all of America.

The Sins of America:

1. Sins of Racism: Every person in Americas needs to come together from gathering place to gathering place and flow in identificational repentance and ask for forgiveness of the so many sins of Racism. –(1 Jn. 4:20)

2. Sins of covenant breaking: We have broken many covenants with the first nation people; we must repent and pray for restoration and healing. –(Mal. 2:14-16)

3. Sins of sexual immorality: Where do we begin with this one, we need much cleansing and healing from these sins.

4. Sins of Abortion: these sins are attacking upon generations that the Lord had so much plans for, this is pure evil, and pure murder.

5. Sins departing from God: We have removed prayer from our schools, God from the everyday life, and so on.

What must we do!

1. Identificational repentance.

2. Repentance of your ones of the five that you have commit, and partake in with others.

3. Ask the Lord to heal you.

4. Pray for the healing of America.

5. Pray prayers for America.

Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

S.I.M. Tent of Meetings 2018

S.I.M. Tent of Meetings 2018
Message us for location: Donation requested: Prayerful devotion: Soaking Presence:

1. Destiny of Omaha: Come to a night of hearing the prophetic words about Omaha Nebraska, and enjoying prophetic ministry, and a time of soaking and prayer. Hearing Apostolic Revelation and more. We will be having a pot blessing so bring something to share and drink. Message us for location. Jun 16 – Oct 20 7PM
2. S.I.M. Fellowship: Are you looking for a pastor who can hear the voice of God, and are you looking for a pastor who is a modern day apostle/prophet. Look no further! We will begin to have fellowship meetings for those who want to hear plus fellowship.. we are only looking for seriously relationships who want to feed on the grace Gospel, Apostolic Revelation, and hear prophecy, visions and have angelic visitations and Third Heaven Throne Room encounters.. Message us for location also we will have a pot blessing so bring a dish or two and drinks… July 7 7pm
3. Timothy Generation: Are you called into the five fold ministry? Are you called to be an apostle? Are you called to be a prophet? Are you in ministry? Do you want to be mentor by a modern day apostle! Serious relationships only! Message us for location. May 26 3pm
4. Harp and Bowl Worship and Prayer Night: We will be having a night of worship and prayer, also a pot blessing, so bring something to share and drinks. Enjoy. Message us for Location. May 5, 2018 – Apr 7, 2019 7pm
5. Summer of Evangelism: The Lord spoke to me this is the summer of Evangelism: every weekend we will be on the streets of Omaha Nebraska and council buffs Iowa, Des Moines Iowa, Kansas City Missouri. Jun 1 – Jun 15 beginning!
6. Deep Things: Come now into the deep things of the Spirit, come to a time of deep teaching, bring your note books. May 19 7pm
7. Path of Enoch: The Path of Enoch: Come and learn of the unfolding of the Path of Enoch. Dec. 29 7pm


Revivals in America

Revivals in America

Elvis Iverson
May 10, 2008

In a vision I see the United States of America. The Holy Spirit says to me, this is the land of revivals, mercy and blessings and freedom. Now I will show you the things to come. In a vision I see the whole of America before the eyes of my heart. I hear a voice, a mighty voice in the sky saying over America I have mercy on you.

I then see pillars of revival established in certain cities around America. The Holy Spirit says these are centers of revival in America. Now I see more pillars of Fire moving throughout America, the Holy Spirit say these are visitation revivals, some are extreme, some are massive, and some are lasting, Now I see more pillars of fire moving in certain areas in America, the Holy Spirit says thee are seasonal revivals.

Moreover, I see pillars of clouds over cities, some will hover, some will move from city to city, some will hover over certain meetings and congregations and some will hover over certain servants of the Lord. The Holy Spirit says these are revivals that only the church shall be blessed with.

However, I see a revival outpouring or awaking over the whole nation of America. I see more then one; I see waves of revival coming one after another across America. The Holy Spirit says these are nation wide revivals that shall come across and upon America.

On the contrary, I see other pillars, other clouds, and angels flowing like rivers or outpourings, or breakthroughs, the Holy Spirit says these are other kinds of moves of God, which are social transformation and harvest.

In addition, I see a city in America where the Pillar of Fire and Pillar of Cloud both meet and rest, this is visitation, this is massive, this is extreme, this is lasting, this is seasonal, and this is resting. I see pillars of fire and pillars of clouds around the Pillar of Fire and Pillar of cloud that meet and dwell in this city. The Holy Spirit says, this is the city of revivals in America.

Nevertheless, I see a pillar of fire that rest on the New Apostolic City Church Center, of the New Apostolic City Church in the City Church, in certain cities in America. The Holy Spirit says this is resting revival that come only upon the city church.

Apart from that, I see revivals in other cities in other places around the world in other nations.

Furthermore, I see certain cities and certain areas in America, where angels come to set the revival of fire to burn throughout America. The Holy Spirit says this is restoration of fire of the glory of the Lord and of the Holy Spirit.

Conclusion, I now see a Pillar of fire burn throughout the church of America, and then I see a Pillar of Cloud that follows right behind the Pillar of Fire. The Holy Spirit says reformation will come; massive reformation burn throughout the church of America, and then revival will follow reformation.

Copyright © 2008 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved